Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Still Here, Still No Baby

On Friday the doctor tried to strip my membranes and did somewhat I think. I was still 1-2cm and had softened but still not thinned out like I need to be. She did say she didn't think that I would make it til my due date. Over the next few days had my show and continued losing my plug. Every single day I think it is going to be the day but somehow wake up in the morning still with child! I have tons of pains and have had contractions but nothing regular. I am anxious for him to get here but at the same time will miss how things are. It is a whole new stage in our family life. Hopefully I will have something exciting to post soon. Otherwise, I have a doctor's appointment on Friday.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

38 weeks

37 weeks

Friday, May 15, 2009

Latest Appointment

Last week I started having these shooting pains of baby j pressing down and just period-like cramps so was hoping something was on the horizon. Yesterday I had my appointment. The fluid is down to 15 so that's awesome! I don't need to worry about all of the scary stuff like cold prolapse. He is way head down and he kept kicking her doppler off my belly.

I gained a pound, so that puts my total up to 24, not too bad according to the doctor. I asked to be checked, she said they normally don't under 38 weeks but since I was having these cramps she offered. I am a 'good 1 cm'- so somewhere between 1 and 2 centimeters. But still thick and high, ugh!

With Vincent at my 38 wk appointment I was 1 cm and 25% and went into labor in the next week. She said that each subsequent labor is half as long as the one before and since Vincent was so quick when it happens, it'll happen fast. I sure hope so.

Oh, also Baby Julien is weighing in at 6 lbs 14 oz as of yesterday which puts him at the 51% percentile so not big at all YAY!!!!!!!

I'm really anxious to have the baby already and don't think I can wait until June 1st so maybe I'll try all the old wives tales after today. Jeremy has tickets to a concert that he's been wanting to go to so we'll have to wait til tomorrow to walk and eat pineapple and all that haha!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

36 weeks!

Fluid is the same as last week's....the ultrasound tech said that around 35 weeks the fluid goes down to let baby know it's getting close to time! There are four pockets that they measure fluid in to get the AFI (amniotic fluid index). If she just counted those my fluid wouldn't be a worry but since there is that 10 cm in front it makes it an actual higher amount of amniotic fluid than the afi would indicate. He is still head down but now his back is on the left side, it's been on the right the last three or four weeks.

I still need to get weekly ultrasounds. Monday I will be 37 weeks and then anytime after that I'm good to go. I think he will be here soon though!

35 week picture