Thursday, April 30, 2009

35 weeks

The doctor's appointment this week went great! The fluid is measuring at 20cm which is again the high limits of normal but isn't anything to be concerned about, that's what the doctor said. I met her this week, glad to finally have the met the three who may be delivering this baby!

Weight gain wasn't too bad, about 20 total.

Baby is still head down yay! The doctor said baby may still be early since the fluid is pretty high but he may stay put too so it's just a waiting game.

Jeremy & I bought some of the hospital bag stuff this week, we gotta start getting it all together!

We finished the baby's room. My mom and Jeremy painted and I moved way more than I should've but it's all together now. I'll have to get some pictures up.

His name is decided but a secret so no one can nix it!

Today the girls from my dad's office thru me a little shower/lunch. It was nice just talking to the girls and eating pizza. They got me some cute outfits and some of the basics that we need like baby shampoo, mittens, diapers, onesies...but if anyone still needs any ideas or is dying to buy baby ****** anything here's is our still need list:

onesies (0-3 months mostly)

We have all of this big stuff, it's just the little things that we need and 0-3 month clothes. Jeremy is getting really excited, it's cute to see. My guess for due date is.........may 23rd. Any other guesses?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

34 weeks

My fluid measured less this week at 16cm, but the ultrasound tech said she saw 10 cm of fluid in the center, and they only measure four side pockets, so it really could be up to 26cm and they are telling me 20 is considered normal. So still on the high side of normal.

They told me a lot at this appointment. Basically, lots of fluid means that the baby is secreting a lot more. Which means he is bigger and that the placenta is bigger. The fear is that I can only hold so much fluid and so then am more likely to have my water break earlier but also that when it does break it could send the cord down which would be a very bad thing. So basically it is just a wait and see thing. I get ultrasounds every week now to check the fluid, which is stressful but then again lets me see our baby boy on a weekly basis.

I got a cd of my 3d pictures from the doctor's office today and some of them are so cute, I have to post them.

The name has been decided but is being kept confidential so no one can negate it : )

Friday, April 17, 2009

33 weeks

Had another ultrasound this week. My fluid is still on the upper limits of normal, it is at 24.1 and anything above 25 is HIGH, 5-25 is considered okay so I am relatively high. My blood work came back and nothing is wrong with my enzymes or liver so who knows what this pain is from. Hopefully it will just go away after the baby is born and it is just a side effect from all of the growth going on coupled with the previous surgery I've had. Also, GREAT NEWS, baby has flipped so he is now head down, yay! And now I can totally tell that he is head down haha! He is still a bigger baby! They want to keep doing weekly ultrasounds to monitor the fluid levels but I like getting to see him every week so I'm not complaining. I like this doctors office so much better, in some ways its less personal as its a bigger practice but they are so much more attentive and friendly! The pictures from the ultrasounds aren't that great, he's been hiding lately!

We've decided not to do a shower, it was in the works but I just don't think I'm up for the whole event. We are getting pretty well prepared, the main thing left is clothes. We have tons of 6 month stuff but not much before then. Hopefully this big baby will make his appearance before June!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

32 weeks!

31 1/2 wks

So much to update! I decided to switch doctors at uhhh....31 weeks. But it has been wonderful so far. I switched to Dr. Kramer's office at East Valley Women's Medical Group. It is right by my house and now I will be delivering at Mountain Vista Medical Center instead. I have been having some bad pain on my upper right side and I got blood work and an abdominal ultrasound. They also wanted to do another ob ultrasound so I got that done today. The baby is in the 66th percentile so a little bigger than average and when Lorena measured me today I was measuring at 36 weeks! But she said that could be attributed to my more than normal amount of amniotic fluid. Apparently it is at the very high side of normal. So I spent quite a while at the doctor's office today but got some good news and got to see the baby! I have to go back next week for another ultrasound to check the fluid levels again and to get my blood results. Also, the baby is still breech, he hasn't flipped yet and his head is right under my right ribs so that could be the source of the pain?!? Just in case anyone wanted to know every little thing about the baby : )