31 1/2 wks
So much to update! I decided to switch doctors at uhhh....31 weeks. But it has been wonderful so far. I switched to Dr. Kramer's office at East Valley Women's Medical Group. It is right by my house and now I will be delivering at Mountain Vista Medical Center instead. I have been having some bad pain on my upper right side and I got blood work and an abdominal ultrasound. They also wanted to do another ob ultrasound so I got that done today. The baby is in the 66th percentile so a little bigger than average and when Lorena measured me today I was measuring at 36 weeks! But she said that could be attributed to my more than normal amount of amniotic fluid. Apparently it is at the very high side of normal. So I spent quite a while at the doctor's office today but got some good news and got to see the baby! I have to go back next week for another ultrasound to check the fluid levels again and to get my blood results. Also, the baby is still breech, he hasn't flipped yet and his head is right under my right ribs so that could be the source of the pain?!? Just in case anyone wanted to know every little thing about the baby : )
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