Saturday, January 31, 2009

22 wk appointment

Well, I'm 8 lbs up from last month, this totally shocked me seeing as I had only gained 1 lb in the previous 18 weeks!So now I totally have to watch everything I eat, she only wants me to gain 6 more pounds and the baby still has to gain that much so I'm totally screwed! Oh well, all worth it all worth it all worth it. Just gotta keep repeating it lol!

Baby seems to be doing well so far! I registered for baby stuff so that got me kind of excited, although I still can't see it happening. I know I feel him move and talk about him and go to the doctor, but it's hard to see him being a part of the family. To bring him home and actually have a newborn again, I feel like it's been more like 10 yrs not 3!

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