Somehow I knew I was pregnant this time even before the tests. I had some sick feelings and thought I had some sort of infection which is often a sign of pregnancy. I was still so petrified of losing this baby too. We said we were going to keep it a secret but I'm not very good at that. My mom & dad already knew, and I told my sister. Jeremy told his mom. And I told the girls at work. The doctor wanted to wait until I was 10 weeks along to see her which seemed years away.
Finally our first appointment came. On November 3rd, 2008. I gave a ton of blood and they ran some tests. She gave us the due date of June 1st, 2009. She told me I needed to watch my weight with this pregnancy and only gain about 15 pounds. She did a quick ultrasound and we were on our way. It really eased our minds when she said that since we had made it to 10 weeks, the chance of a repeat miscarriage was down to 2-3%.
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